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International Public Program
We are very excited to announce
Nick Burrin’s
International Public Program
On Saturday the 17th of May 2025 at 5pm.
In West Sussex, England.
We will provide you with the address of the venue in West Sussex once you have filled out your application form.
Click here to open the application form for Nick’s Public Program
This is a tremendous opportunity to meet Nick Burrin in person and to hear Nick talking about Nick’s Books Dedicated to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
It is best to attend in person, or you can join via Zoom.
Nick Burrin’s Programs are free to attend.
Your information will be kept completely private and will not be transferred to a third party. Please read our Privacy Policy.
My Desires for The World
I am here to help everyone realize the truth through my books, meetings.
I am able to see and have visions of Angels and The Deities. I would like to share with you the amazing Truth about Divinity.
This is a unique time in history as the consciousness is changing, and the truth is finally going to be realised by humanity, and this will change the world for ever. At last everyone is going to be free. We will create the most amazing world of love and understanding.
My desire is for everyone to be happy, to enjoy themselves and everyone else in the world. To feel everyone's passion and creativity to change the world.
I would like to inspire everyone and we will change the world together.
By changing ourselves we automatically change the world.
Nick Burrin

Artwork by Nick Burrin
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