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TV Shows & Movies

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I watch a lot of TV drama shows because many of them now transmit the truth about our social and economic problems and it’s amazing to watch different dramas from around the world like America, Sweden, France, Iceland, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Eastern Europe, Brazil, India, Africa, to see the different countries’ social problems being played out.

Also, I find it fascinating to watch the different filming techniques from around the world, and a lot of these dramas are created in the most amazing natural beauty that you can imagine and it’s a way of seeing different countries around the world to get a sense and feeling of the beauty of Mother Earth.


I love listening to the title music and the soundtrack again relating to the different countries. It can be quite scary to realise some of the themes which are taken on, which are not necessarily spoken about by our governments, for example how many people go missing in America in one year, how children are abused and how there’s a whole system of trafficking, and also documentaries which expose awful institutions within our world.


Life is about the truth, becoming aware, and understanding how we’re being befooled by our governments and how they are creating awful situations on purpose to control humanity. My books explain The Truth About God and every situation that you would need to know about.

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