If you would like to know more about Nick Burrin's Books and meetings, please fill in the form on the contact page.
So many people have read my books and changed in ways they could not imagine because they now understand the truth about Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's amazing life and the truth about sahaja yoga
Click on the image above to see everything that is going on in America and follow my website.
Donald J Trump making America great again.
And also on the Nick's Passion for Life page is "Truth about The World, Documentaries".
In 2020, we have had people from 76 different countries around the world visiting the website.
To see the full list please see the bottom of the home page.
Please see the video above, this was Nick Burrin's first historical Meeting
on June 20th, 2015.
For more videos of Nick Burrin, please go to the Video Talks page.

Artwork by Nick Burrin
My desire is for everyone to be happy, to enjoy themselves and everyone else in the world, to feel everyone's passion and creativity, to understand that we are all different but we all have amazing qualities and we all want to know and understand the Truth.
For each country to celebrate its individuality and culture, allowing each country to have its own sovereignty. To change the world, to create a better society, to create a much better education and health system.
I would like to inspire the world, to show that anything is possible, and we will change the world together.
By changing ourselves we automatically change the world.
People from 76 countries have visited my website
Australia, England, France, United States, Canada, Belgium, India, Russia, Romania, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Finland, Turkey, Switzerland, Hong Kong, China, Czekia, Spain, Oman, Ukraine, Singapore, Lebanon, Sweden, Brazil, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, Malaysia, Nigeria, Slovakia, South Africa, Denmark, Ecuador, Poland, Thailand, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Norway, Slovenia, Albania, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Benin, Bhutan, Belarus, Colombia, Fiji, Ghana, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Indonesia, Iceland, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Monaco, Moldova, Montenegro, Myanmar, Mozambique, New Zealand, Peru, Pakistan, Portugal, Seychelles, Tunisia, Taiwan
Nick Burrin
Click on the image above to see everything that is going on in America and follow my website.
Donald J Trump making America great again.
And also on the Nick's Passion for Life page is "Truth about The World, Documentaries".